Embarking on an advertising campaign is an expensive endeavor. While marketing is essential to spreading the word about your company’s products and services, what if there was a way to reach thousands of individuals without breaking the bank? Promotional pens are your answer! A cost-effective marketing tool, custom promotional pens are a great way to spread the word about your business without having to spend a fortune on billboard advertising.
Here are Entripy’s top 5 reasons for purchasing custom promotional pens:
They’re Cheap!
Pens are an inexpensive way to get your name in front of a lot of people. You can get 500 pens with your custom logo printed on them for less than $300; that’s much cheaper than direct mailings, radio or television ads! And you don’t have to opt for a super fancy executive pen. A simple round stick BIC pen or pen with a touchscreen stylus are great economical options that cost under $1 each (for quantities of 500). Even a higher end pen such as the Ali Executive Pen cost under $4 each.
They Make Remembering Your Company Easy and Effective

How many times a day do you have to write something down? Just think of all the moments that means your company logo can be seen. Everyone needs a pen! Printing your logo on a custom pen means your name will be up front and center dozens of times a day. Plus, a pen keeps your contact information handy, giving your potential clients a convenient way to find you when they need your services.
They Have Legs
Promotional pens are walking advertisements. Pens get passed around an office a lot! That means more people will see your branding that the one person you gave your pen to. If you make a radio ad, that ad will be heard by a certain number of people who are driving their cars at that moment your ad is played, but when you give someone a promotional pen, it’s undoubtedly going to get passed around to a handful of people.
They’re a Promotional Item People Will Keep
So many promotional items end up in the trash can, but customized pens will rarely find their way there! Why? Because pens are useful. How often is someone going to look at a magnet or use a bottle opener? Because pens are a commodity that everyone needs, they’re the one promotional item that will never hit a trash can. This means you’re sure to get the most out of your marketing spend by putting it into a custom pen.

They’re Easy to Buy in Bulk
Custom promotional pens last a long time, they don’t go out of style and they don’t take up much shelf space. That means you can buy your custom pens in bulk and save money on your order. Unlike other bulky items, you can easily carry around a stash of custom pens branded with your company logo. Keep a stash in your car, your purse or backpack and you’ll always have one handy pen to give out to prospective clients when you’re on the go.
Entripy provides a wide variety of promotional pens to suit any business’ look. From stylus pens that feature a rubberized top to tap your touch screen device to highlighter pens that allow you to write and highlight key words without switching pens, executive pens that give the look of authority and multipurpose pens for a fun trade show giveaway. Custom promotional pens can be a great asset to your marketing efforts without taking a huge bite from your marketing budget.