Over the past few years companies have really starting to understand the importance of company culture, leading them to invest in building authentic team culture. It is shown that positive company culture leads to lower turnover rates and builds a happier work environment for employees. Company culture can be built in so many ways and company swag is becoming a popular and impactful option.
Still not sure how or why you should invest in company swag? We’re going to take you through four ways that company swag will enhance and positively impact your company culture.
Build Your Company Reputation
Branding is an internal job and company swag is a great tool to use to boost your reputation as an employer. Employees seek employers that provide extra benefits apart from the regular yearly bonuses. They want to be seen and acknowledged in unique ways and the addition of company swag is one of those benefits.
So, if you’re looking to attract top talent or want to reduce your turnover rate, think about putting together some company swag bags that will reflect your brand and leave a lasting impression on potential recruits.
Welcome New Employees
Company swag is a great tool to use to welcome new employees to the team. Prep some employee swag bags to give out to new employees during their orientation or training. This approach not only adds a special touch, but it also allows the new employee to feel appreciated and welcomed within the company. Put together some custom water bottles, tote bags, and t-shirts to get your new hires excited to work with your company and get their first real impression of what the company culture is like.
Celebrate Milestones
What’s a better way to ring in 10 or 15 years of business for your company than some custom sweatshirts for your employees? A company’s accomplishments are directly related to the efforts and hard work of its employees. So, when you’re celebrating a company milestone or achievement, custom swag is the perfect way to bring your employees in on the celebration and give them a piece of memorabilia that will equally remind them of this accomplishment. The key with this strategy is to be thoughtful with the products you choose to customize for your employees. It’s more impactful and meaningful to brand a high-quality sweatshirt that will last long and communicate that you truly care about giving back to your team members.
Recognize Your Existing Employees
While company swag is a great tool for new recruits or employees, it’s equally important to acknowledge and recognize your existing employees. Putting together custom swag items to give out to your teams on a periodic basis builds and maintains your company culture. This strategy keeps your current teams motivated and continuously feeling like an important part of the team.
Take your company swag even further and organize a photo-op with your team wearing their matching company t-shirts or holding up their custom mugs!
Key Takeaways
To ensure your employees feel connected as a team, consider embracing customized company swag. These thoughtful items not only signify team unity but also reflect the genuine care your organization has for its employees. The key lies in selecting and branding custom products that your employees will appreciate and include in their daily work routine!